

As part of Google's UX Design Certificate, I am working on a conceptual app to make it easier for people to order movie tickets and snacks while also earning rewards. Many people use apps to order tickets, but still end up having to wait in line at the concession stand.

My Role

For this project I did a research to define the problem, followed by working on the whole design process. I worked on all the aspects of visual design. I did a real time background research in order to produce a meaningful design.

Design Process

To begin I had to determine the problem I was trying to solve for users. The first step was to discover by conducing background research about what the current alarming problem is, followed by defining the executive intent and target audience for the app. I conduced few user interviews to get their insight on seat reservation app for movie theater. After this intial research, I aimed to define the problem by interpreting my research and finding into persona and empathy map.

From here the next step was to ideate potential solutions by constructing a user journey map followed by user-flow and building information architecture that represented my idea. Next I want ahead with design, which included constructing a ton of different quick wireframes sketches to get a brief idea on how the app would look like. At this point I put together medium fidelity wireframes. I began to build the visual design and final screens.

Once the visual deisgn was ready. I created a prototype of the app's key flows and functionalities. After the prototype was complete. I moved to test the design by conducting user tests to validate usability, identify any pain point, and gather any additional feedback that could help me further improve my design.

Target Audience

I defined the target audience as people aged 16-55 who live in suburban or urban area, go to the movie theater at least a few times a year, and have used apps to order food before. In the spirit of accessible design, I aimed to recruit a diverse representative group with people from various background.

User Survey

I began with a short screener survey to identify users to interview. I received 23 responses. Of those responses, 13 mentioned "long lines" as a reason for their rating. Other pain points mentioned were expensive prices, miscommunication, and feeling rushed.

Major Pain Points Identified

Long lines
Too expensive
Feeling rushed

User Personas: Phuntsok & Seldon

From my user interviews, I created two user personas: Phuntsok & Seldon. Phuntsok is a business owner in Fairfax Virginia who lived with his family. Once per month he always take his family to a local movie theater. As a business owner he is always busy and having a seat reservation and food order app for an movie theater will really help Phuntsok from time management.

Seldon is a full time student at University of Washington. She is also working as a part-time in local Sonic. She said going to the movie theater will help her releases strees from work or school.

Journey Map

I categorized my findings in a way that would lay out user's journey within tha app. This process helped me to understand how can I cater to user needs.

User Flow

I created a sample user flow for the task of ordering movie tickets and snacks. In this scenario, the user does not yet know which movie they want to see, so they want to search by movie. The user goes to the Movies page, browses and selects a movie leading them to the Movie Detail page.

From there, they can select a showtime and are lead to the seat reservation page. Once they select their seat, they have the option to add snacks. Once they have the selected their snacks, they go to the Cart page, confirm their details, pay, and then finaly land on the confirmation page.

UX Storyboards

To further empathize with the user, I sketched both big picture and close-up storyboards for one of my personas, Phuntsok. This big picture storyboard focuses on the overall user experience, while the close-up storyboard focuses on the specific actions the user takes inside the app.

Sketching Paper Wireframes

Using pen and paper, I sketched out five versions of the homepage and dining page to exlore various options for how to organize the information. I made notes on each screen of what I thought worked best, and incorporated those ideas into the digital low fidelity wireframes.

High Fidelity Prototype

After synthesizing the insights and analyzing the results, I built the following hi-fi prototype for the movie theater seat reservation app.

View High-Fidelity Prototype