
Language Playing Card

Language Playing Card


The goal of creating a playful and engaging tool for learning the Tibetan alphabet is to make the process of language collection enjoyable and interactive, particularly for childern. Traditional language learning methods can somethimes be preceived as boring, leading to disinterest and reduced engagement, espically among younger learners. By infusing playfulness into the learning experience, I aim to capture the attention of Tibetans kids and foster a positive attitude towards language acquisition.

Emphasizing the importance of making language learning enjoyable for kids is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, a playful approach can turn what might be considered a challenging task into a fun and rewarding activity, motivating children to actively participate in the learning process. Additionally, enjoyable learning experiences tend to be more memorable, facilitating better retention of language skills over time.

Problem Statement

Learning the Tibetan alphabet can pose several challenges for Tibetan kids, and addressing these challenges is crucial to fostering effective language acquisition. Here are some key challenges:

Cultural Disconnection:

Childern may face challenges in connecting with their cultural identity through language. Traditional teaching methods might not always capture their interest or resonate with their contemporary experiences.

Rote Learning VS Interactive Learning:

Traditional rote learning methods may not be engaging for all children. Memorizing the alphabet through repetition might lead to disinterest, hindering the development of a genuine love for the language.

Target Audience

- Specify that the Tibetan Alphabet Learning Playing Cards are exclusively designed for Tibetan-speaking children.

- Emphasize the cultural relevance and alignment with the linguistic needs of Tibetan-speaking communities.

- The target age range for users is approximately 5 to 12 years old.

- At this stage, children are in their formative years and are often engaged in foundational language learning.

Design Thinking


These are the questions I asked to empathize with potential users of the playing card.

Is your work very stressful? Does any situation generate anxiety within it?

Do you telework? If so, do you find it difficult to properly manage your breaks from work?

Do you have a dedicated time in your daily work schedule to take a break?

In that time that you consider a break, what do you do?

Have you thought about dedicating those breaks to improve your mental health and your mood?

What are your favorite activites in your leisure time?


Through the surveys, I understood the frustrations and goals of the people I interviewed, and it helped me to find several key insights to define the features. From the type of answers I were also able to create the archetypes of users who would use my playing card to learn tibetan alphabet:

Design Element

Focus: Tibetan Alphabet Characters

- Every card in the deck is dedicated to a specific Tibetan alphabet character.

- This ensures a targeted and systematic learning experience.

Visual Elements

- Vibrant colors, clear fonts, and culturally relevant illustrations make the cards visually appealing.

- Each design element is crafted to enhance the learning process.


I have analyzed the competition to know to stand out in a specific need:

User Persona

Prioritization method to define features: Moscow

After research and realizing the archetype of users I have and their needs, corresponding to the insights, we wanted to limit the features for our MVP and after do the prototype. For that I made a prioritization method:

User Flow

High Fidelity Prototype

After synthesizing the insights and analyzing the results, I built the following hi-fi prototype for the MeSo app.

In Process